Monday, June 28

Jump Animation

For our first animation assignment. I need practice on getting the character the same each frame but the first part was getting the movement. (Well thats what we are focusing on)


Ryan Keepence said...

That will be 90% better than the majority of students, so don't worry too much :P.

He has a few balance issues with his pose (he looks like he is going to fall over backwards) and you probably could have held the anticipation pose for about 2 or so more frames. The anticipation and landing pose could have been slightly more dynamic.

But still, really nice animation. :)

Atomic said...

Thank you so much Ryan! Your critique helped me alot and I actually ended up restarting.

Thank ya! Hope to get your comments on my future animations too : D

Megan said...

AWESOME. The only thing I'd like to suggest is you give him a little more hang time! CAN'T HAVE ENOUGH HANG TIME.