Monday, May 31

Boar Creature

Played around with shapes and got a boar.

Monday, May 24

Dueling Sam

I plan to duel all my best buddies. (Hyde your pic is being painted xD This obviously is for lolz while yours will be masterpiece)


I am totally riding a Mel Gibson Steed.

Sunday, May 23

Gerard on a Sundae

Really happy how this is comin out. Critique welcome~~

Saturday, May 22

Gerard Update

Newest update for Gerard. Eyebrows worked into and starting on the other eye. WHOO.


These sketches are just so old but so much fun I have to share. I was a horror artist in my younger years. I had fun tearing the flesh and skin from characters which taught me a little about anatomy. muwha!

If I remember right this one in orange was going to be some alien art, chestburster stuff.

This one was probably me in my FUCKYALL teenager moods. DOYOUSEE baawww.
It makes me giggle.

Crank it up

In the week I started this. The first digital art that I set out to complete in the holidays and seemingly will be the last? I still have a week to prove this as a theory....

It is fun to look at progress work :)
I am happy with this pic even though it is flashy eyecandy faggitory.

Boom Saturday

Stuff from today....uh. It was a bit of a lonely day but I feel happy with what I got done. I started this back when the movie Gamer came out on DVD and I forgot about it. I picked it up again today and this was some of my progress. Will update later with a newer version. Whoot Gerard Butler!

This came out because I wanted to animate but I find my animations arnt coming out anymore than a stickfigure.