First sketches of the Wickerfouls. Possible Summon creature for my RP character.
Decided on this design.
They will be chargers. Fast run and a heavy first hit. After that they would take less damage as their bite is a little awkward with those tusks. A critical bite could be lethal, but would also snap a wickerfoul's tusks giving them lower damage again.
The Wickerfoul mutt is part of the suidae family. Heavy built in the neck and shoulder, carnivous for extra health and can reach top speeds of 20kmh.
They smell like rotting flesh smeared with feces. Can be smelt by an enemy with no keen sense of smell from a great distance. They are not a pleasent creature to have around. The smell makes most people whell up with tears, vomit uncontrollably or even pass out. To some advantage this smell can also repeal certain enemies and disguese some other smells.
Coloured a very dull green grey they can conseal themselves well in darkness and forest. The thin part of their ears, spine and tail is completly hairless. The thick wooly manes around their chest and neck protect them from bites of other animals. Their eyes are light sensitive, they prefer the night.
1 comment:
"They smell like rotting flesh smeared with feces"
I just imagined how they would be irl and they would creep me out so much. (well duh, who wouldn't they creep out)
The little sketch in the bottom right corner on the first picture is so cuuuute tho! haha
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